domingo, 7 de abril de 2013


Although this might be in complete contradiction with my ramblings on New Year's resolutions, I've been inspired by motivational and positive quotes that, in just a few words, ring of optimism and good cheer. I like to think of them as an incentive, a reminder, or simply an intention that guides my days.
In the selfish perspective of cheering myself up, I designed three potential mottos: "look up" (that seems to be the words I need to live by lately), "create" and "let your heart sing". As I was trying to think of a way to incorporate these designs (or one of them) into my daily life, the idea of transferring them onto a canvas tote bag occurred to me. After seeing various project using iron-on transfers (for example herehere, orhere), and observing that it doesn't require much supplies, skills, or time, I decided to give it a go.

I was pretty happy with the result (pictured above), so I thought I'd share the DIY with you in case you want to try it too!

Supplies needed:
  • Iron-on transfer paper
  • Printer
  • Scissors
  • Iron
  • Cotton / canvas tote bag
1. Print out your design onto iron-on transfer paper. If you want to use one of the designs I created, you can find them here:
They're flipped so that they will read correctly on the fabric.
2. Trim around the design leaving a tiny border around the circle. 
3. Position the image face down on your fabric and iron on over it slowly, using the highest cotton setting, no steam, for about 90 seconds. Make sure your design fully adheres to the fabric on all edges.
 4. Let the design cool, then carefully peel off the backing using firm and steady pressure.
That's it! Carry your bag proudly. 

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