domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013


Ever gone on a late night crafting binge? This product was the results of one of those nights!
And so the pictures are kind of miserable. But the result is awesome! I’ve been obsessed with the geometric diamond shape lately, so last week I taped it out on a piece of cotton canvas using washi tape. I just eyeballed it, and it came out pretty good.

LOVE this washi tape. You can get here.

 Then I painted over the entire design using some of the Martha Stewart all surface paint in a mint green and midnight blue.
The next day I sewed up the bag. And I didn’t take any pictures of that part, because you could just as easily do this project on a ready-made tote bag. However, if you are looking for instructions on sewing your own, here’s a great tutorial.
see more here: DIY PAINTED TOTE

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